
 Miss Jodi and Miss Teri's weekly newsletter

 for the week of July 1st-2nd, 2010

Bible  Theme-God Will Help and Protect me Wherever I am!Bible Story-Esther is jBrav-Esther 2-9

Letter of the week-Z, z

Number of the week- Number – continue Reviewing 11-15  

 Color- Continue Spanish colors- Ask your child what color they are wearing in Spanish…many of them will be able to tell you!

Language- Tell what our favorite zoo animal is.  Show and Tell will be on Thursday- please send something that starts with letter Z,z  for your child to share with the class during circle time.

Art-  give our Z’s zebra stripes, working on a very special Mothers Day gift,(some things it is best  to keep secret)

Sensory Table- corn with yellow things hidden in it.  How many Yellow things can you find?

Book,s-   Put me in the Zoo, Inside a Zoo in the City, Z-book, Zoom, Zoom, Zack  the Lazy Zebra, Mommy Mine, Millie waits for the  Mail, The Monster Book of ABC Sounds, Are you my Mother, In My Momma’s Kitchen, Mother you’re the Best!.My Monster Mama loves me so, Mama Cat

Math-Cont.-Assessing our Patterning skills. Working on our assessments for our portfolios, This will be the last time we send them home for this school year.  But they will still need to be returned for next years evaluations.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS:Our Spring ProgramTuesday, May 18, 2010Time- 7:00 p.m.Our class picnic and water day will be on a different day this year.Check out our website- /GuidingStar/MissJodi-MissWendy